Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Dog Asia

Today I need to talk about my dog.  Her name is Asia and she is a black cocker spaniel.  She is also not the sharpest tool in the shed.  She is my "blonde moment".  I mean that in two different and distinct ways.  The first one being that I must have been having one to get her in the first place and secondly, she has them....A LOT of them......
For instance, she barks when a knock is at the door.  I get that.  This is a good thing for her to announce company or unwanted visitors.  The fact that she will also bark when you knock on the wall, as  she  is  watching  you is not normal however.
She barks when you holler come in.  Again, when someone is at the door to do so, I understand.  However, she will also bark when you just holler hello for the simple act of driving the dog nuts.  No one at the door.

You can let her outside, let her run around for half and hour to do her business and then let her back in, where she will promptly decide that the basement floor is a much better place to do such a thing. 
We have had her as part of the family for 3 and half years now.  Considered many times to pass her off on some unsuspecting fools that love her big, sad eyes and droopy ears.  But, I think we are beyond that. 

For anyone who has watched the movie or read the book Marley and Me, you would understand why.  Even though we are typically CAT people, (we have two Siamese cats as well)  I can't really imagine what it would be like here in the house without her.  It's hard to visualize what it would be like to walk across the room without tripping over her or having to clean up the mounds of dog fur in the fridge daily. 

So, you'll have to excuse me, because right now I have to go clean up the chewed up bits of toilet paper and cellophane from cheese slices that she tore into from the garbage bag. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they can be a handful, and patience exhausting, but there is nothing like the unconditional love and obedience of a dog. One that acts out is typically missing something.

    It's so nice to see you finally welcoming her to your hame a a fmily member, as I'm sure your would miss her as she would you. I find her to be a delight, but I don't live with her! lol

